Secret Beauty Hacks With Your Favorite Products

We know everyone loves a good lifestyle hack so we asked around the office to see what people were doing with their favorite LuxeOrganix products. Some of what we heard hadn’t even crossed our minds! So, today, we’re sharing our favorite secret beauty...

Too Much of a Good Thing?

We’re all aware that too much sun can cause a painful sunburn, but many believe that’s the extent of sun damage. It’s not. Brown spots, wrinkles, broken capillaries, loss of skin tone (decreased elasticity), rough, uneven skin texture, and redness or...

Lessen the Stress on Your Tresses

A 2018 consumer survey by Swiss personal care ingredient manufacturer Gattefossé revealed that 46% of the women surveyed were somewhat dissatisfied with the state of their hair. The frizzies, thinning hair, dry hair, hair that breaks, unmanageable hair… all of...

Take a Vacation from Your Shampoo

This summer, for the health of your hair, give your shampoo a vacation. We don’t mean to skip cleaning your hair, just skip your shampoo in favor of a co-wash. And you don’t need to take the whole summer off, but a few days here and there might benefit you in ways you...

Trick Your Skin Into Acting Younger

If you’re noticing more dark spots, wrinkles, sagging, enlarged pores, or uneven tones, your skin is acting old. It doesn’t have to, though! You can trick yourself into younger-acting skin. And younger-acting skin means skin that’s firmer, has fewer...

The Truth About Hair Loss

There’s a bit of secrecy around hair loss, especially for women… it’s rarely talked about. The only mention you might see is in products promising thicker hair. Why don’t we talk about it? The reality is that 40% of women will have visible hair loss by the time they...